Railway Company

About the company

The Société nationale des chemins de fer français is France’s national state-owned railway company. Founded in 1938, it operates the country’s national rail traffic along with Monaco, including the TGV, on France’s high-speed rail network.
System integrated and used throughout the entire company trains.

On Board Sales POS

  • Mobile POS terminals
  • Payments with multiple methods & currencies
  • Wide range of discount(offers) on device calculations
  • On board stock taking, orders and deliveries

Back Office

  • Product, Prices, Offers, Staff
  • KPI, Performance, Financial, Global and per Location(BO) Reporting
  • Scheduled summary emails & threshold notifications
  • Export / Import to/from the rest of the corporate systems

Warehouse & Logistics

  • Stock control, spot checking & modifications
  • Suppliers Orders, Deliveries & Returns
  • Order picking and deliveries to trains